In celebration of World Intellectual Property Day April 26, New Mexico State University’s Office of the Vice President for Research and Arrowhead Center will announce the first NMSU Intellectual Property Award. This award will honor an NMSU faculty or staff member who has developed intellectual property with demonstrated societal, industrial and/or commercial benefits.
The award is open to faculty and staff members from all fields and disciplines across the NMSU system. Commercialization activities are strongly emphasized in evaluation of nominations. The winner of this award will receive $500 cash.
“Our goal is the highlight the excellent work being done across NMSU that will go on to have an impactful outcome commercially,” said Patricia Marquez Knighten, director of Arrowhead Center’s Innovation Commercialization.
Nominations will be accepted throughout March. Self-nominations are welcome.
Eligible candidates will have developed technologies, products and/or processes that have been awarded provisional or other patent protection within the last 10 years. Only NMSU patents are considered.
Ideal candidates will have or are exploring societal, industrial and/or commercial benefits of their discoveries, as evidenced by licensing agreements, market feasibility studies, spinoff companies, participation in lab-to-market programs (such as NSF I-Corps, LAUNCH, or Sprint business accelerators), or other commercialization activities.
Nominations may be sent to
For any questions on the nomination, the award or technology commercialization at NMSU, please contact Knighten at or 505-918-5974.