As part of the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series, La Sociedad para Las Artes and the Department of Art are co-hosting hosting a public reading event for award-winning poet CM Burroughs.
Burroughs, associate professor of poetry at Columbia College Chicago, is the author of two collections published by Tupelo Press: “The Vital System” in 2012, and “Master Suffering” in 2020. She will read from her work at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2 at New Mexico State University in the Creative Media Institute Theater in Milton Hall, Room 171.
Master of Fine Arts candidate in fiction, Maura Hehir, also will be reading from thesis works. The event is free and open to the public and includes a reception following the reading.
Burroughs has received commissions from the Studio Museum of Harlem and the Warhol Museum and has been awarded fellowships and grants from Yaddo, the MacDowell Colony, Djerassi Foundation, Cave Canem Foundation and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her poetry has appeared in journals and anthologies including Poetry magazine, Callaloo, jubilat, Ploughshares, VOLT, Best American Experimental Writing Anthology and The Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks.
The Nelson-Boswell Reading Series invites visiting writers to NMSU to share their work with the community. Copies of Burrough’s books also will be available for sale.
Next in the series, poet Anthony Sutton, author of “Particles of a Stranger Light,” will be on campus for a reading on Friday, Feb. 23.
CUTLINE: CM Burroughs, award-winning poet and associate professor of poetry at Columbia College Chicago, will be sharing her work with the public through the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series at New Mexico State University. (Courtesy photo)