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Biology alum elected research fellow

Release Date: 21 Jul 2021
Janet Jansson

Janet Jansson was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her cutting-edge advances in the field of microbial ecology.

“At NMSU I came to realize my love of science. I had no career goal when I first came to NMSU,” Jansson says. “My ‘aha moment’ came during an elective course on soil microbiology taught by professor William Lindemann. I thought it was fascinating that these microscopic creatures lived in soil and carried out such important functions. I ended up working in his laboratory as a technician and absolutely loved it.”

Jansson has more than 30 years of experience in microbial ecology. She was appointed by the National Academy of Science to the U.S. National Committee on Soil Sciences, and has authored more than 200 publications. She serves as chief scientist for biology in the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Biological Sciences Division.

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