Crop and soil management, as well as the state of the dairy industry post COVID, are topics that will be the focus of the annual field day hosted by New Mexico State University’s Agricultural Science Center at Clovis.
The field day will begin at 7:30 a.m. Aug. 3 at the science center, located at 2346 NM-288 just north of Clovis, New Mexico. COVID-19 safe practices will be respected at the event.
“The purpose of this annual free event is to bring producers and researchers together to learn about the ongoing research at the center, interact with each other, and share ideas and opinions about different agricultural practices,” said Abdel Mesbah, Clovis ASC superintendent. “This is the perfect opportunity for producers to ask questions and get answers.”
The field day kicks off with registration and refreshments, followed by a welcome address and a keynote presentation by Leslie Edgar, associate dean in the NMSU College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and director of the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station.
A trolley tour of the field plots will begin at approximately 8:30 a.m. Topics to be discussed include:
- Guar as a low-input alternative crop.
- Cover crops and soil health.
- Weed management in corn and sorghum.
- Tillage management in dryland.
- Perennial and pasture carbon sequestration.
- Assessing diverse benefits of circular buffer strips.
- Breeding for multiple disease resistance in Valencia peanut.
- Update on the dairy industry and its post-COVID recovery.
Lunch will be catered by The BBQ Shop of Farwell, Texas. The afternoon portion of the field day will be reserved for those interested in touring specific trials or plots.
The Agricultural Science Center is located 13 miles north of Clovis on Highway 288. For more information or directions call 575-985-2292 or email