Five new officers and five ambassadors have been elected and selected for the 2023-24 New Mexico State 4-H Leadership Team. Every year a new group of leaders, ranging from the ages of 14 to 18 years old, is chosen from across New Mexico. This team will serve the organization, 4-H youth, their fellow members and communities by sharing their experiences and skills through their new role.
“The New Mexico State 4-H Leadership Team program encompasses the highest statewide leadership position a New Mexico 4-H member can obtain,” said Cheryl Butterfield, New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service state 4-H agent. “Applying to be a part of the team is an intense process with high expectations.”
This year’s New Mexico State 4-H Leadership Team include Aubry Putman of Eddy County, president; Kyleigh Stephenson of Roosevelt County, vice president; Nealeigh Burrow of Roosevelt County, secretary; Holly Norsworthy of Doña Ana County, reporter; John Castillo of Valencia County, song and recreation leader; Dautry Waller of Doña Ana County, jewelry ambassador; Jenna Mendez of Doña Ana County, consumer savvy ambassador; Elaina Mays of Doña Ana County, shooting sports ambassador; Dannika Rose of Eddy County, leadership ambassador; and Kasi Montoya of Bernalillo County, horse ambassador.
“The team is made up of senior 4-H youth who have completed an application, essay, references, presentation and an interview,” Butterfield said. “A panel of judges select the five youth to serve as ambassadors, while the officer candidates completing the process are certified to begin their officer campaign. The officers are then elected by county 4-H delegates representing their respective counties.”
These officers and ambassadors are elected and selected to serve in leading and planning leadership events, programs, retreats and workshops for 4-H youth across the state. These include the State 4-H conference and Senior Leadership Retreat for senior 4-H members, and the Youth Get-Away for junior members. They will also participate in committee meetings, sessions and presentations.
“Additionally, the youth serve in various leadership capacities as requested by the 4-H Youth Development department, as well as the county Extension offices,” Butterfield said.
For more information on the 4-H leadership team, the program and applications, visit