- New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge 2021 winners announced
More than 300 students participated in the third annual New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge, a competition testing high school students’ ability to use science, technology, engineering and math to solve real-world problems. New Mexico State University hosted the hybrid format 2021 showcase, with the virtual event held Dec. 10 and the in-person event held Dec. 11 at NMSU’s Corbett Center.
Led by New Mexico’s Office of the Governor, the challenge was a collaboration between NMSU, the Department of Public Education, the Department of Workforce Solutions, Los Alamos National Laboratory and 22 industry partners in the state.
“Through the STEM Challenge, we have seen student ingenuity, brilliance and meaningful collaboration,” said Department of Public Education Deputy Secretary Gwen Perea Warniment. “We celebrate New Mexico educators and students who have demonstrated profound, deeper learning in a way that helps us all envision a better education system.”
Teams from public, private and charter high schools across the state participated, along with judges from 22 industry partners, plus educators, volunteers and government officials.
“I’m delighted our university was able to host such an outstanding event,” said NMSU Chancellor Dan Arvizu. “I was particularly impressed with the students who took part, and the projects they presented. These thoughtful solutions to the challenges we’re facing today give me great confidence in the talent we have here in our state. We can ensure a bright future by working to keep them here in New Mexico.”
Each team was composed of up to 10 students who designed and developed a project model to address the question posed by NMSU, “how would you use science, technology, engineering and math to make life better for your family, community, state or country?”
“The goal of education is to teach children how to learn,” said New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions Deputy Secretary Yolanda Cordova. “The STEM Challenge proves New Mexico youth have mastered the ability to think deeply, problem solve and the importance of collaboration to reach new heights. Congratulations to all the student teams, and a huge thank-you to the industry sponsors.”
Industry partners provided judges and cash awards capped at $5,000 per winning team of up to 10 members. Each student on a winning team took home $500.
“This year’s New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge was an inspiring event for all involved,” said Los Alamos National Foundation President and CEO Jennifer M. Parks. “For the LANL Foundation and other sponsors, it was exciting to see what can be accomplished when we all come together with a common purpose. It takes a big team to pull off a statewide competition with both high school and employer involvement, but the partnership with NMSU, NM PED and the governor’s office helped everything run beautifully. It was a real highlight of the year to get to do the showcase in person and be with all of those involved.”
The winners are (in alphabetical order):
Academy for Technology and the Classics, Santa Fe
Sponsor: Stantec
Axiom Christian Classical School, Albuquerque
Sponsor: PNM
Bernalillo High School, Bernalillo
Sponsor: N3B
Bloomfield High School, Bloomfield
Employer Partner Award
Capital High School, Santa Fe
Employer Partner Award
Centennial High School, Las Cruces
Sponsor: Boeing
Cloudcroft High School, Cloudcroft
Sponsor: Pattern Energy
Crownpoint High School, Crownpoint
Employer Partner Award
East Mountain High School, Sandia Park
Sponsor: ExxonMobil
Goddard High School, Roswell
Employer Partner Award
Jal High School, Jal
Sponsor: WSP-Golder
Mandela International Magnet School, Santa Fe
Sponsor: Sandia National Laboratories
Mark Armijo Academy, Albuquerque
Sponsor: Intel
Mayfield High School, Las Cruces
Sponsor: Freeport McMoran
Monte del Sol Charter School, Santa Fe
Sponsor: Chevron
New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell
Sponsor: Presbyterian Health Care Services
Pecos Cyber Academy, Carlsbad
Sponsor: Facebook
Roswell High, Roswell
Sponsor: Molina Health Care
San Jon High School, San Jon
Sponsor: Presbyterian Health Care Services
Sandia High School, Albuquerque
Sponsor: Air Force Research Laboratories
Santa Teresa High School, Santa Teresa
Employer Partner Award
Southwest Secondary Learning Center, Albuquerque
Employer Partner Award
Southwest Aeronautics, Mathematics and Science Academy, Albuquerque
Employer Partner Award
Taos Academy, Taos
Employer Partner Award
Taos High School, Taos
Sponsor: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Taos Integrated School of the Arts Charter, Taos
Sponsor: Lovelace
Technology Leadership High School, Albuquerque
Sponsor: URENCO
The ASK Academy, Rio Rancho
Sponsor: Deloitte
Tucumcari High School, Tucumcari
Sponsor: Virgin Galactic
V. Sue Cleveland High School, Rio Rancho
Sponsor: National Radio Astronomy Observatory