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NM Produced Water Research Consortium to host public workshop in Carlsbad

Release Date: 28 Oct 2021

By Randy Shaw, 575-646-2911,

The New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium and New Mexico State University Carlsbad will host a public education workshop on the status of current research and development on fit-for-purpose treatment and reuse of oil and gas produced water from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 9, at NMSU Carlsbad, Instructional Center, 1500 University Dr., Carlsbad, New Mexico. Doors will open at 6 p.m. for breakout group sign up. The New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium is a collaboration between NMSU and the New Mexico Environment Department. 

Attendance is free to the public and seating will be limited. COVID-19 safe practices will be implemented, including masks and social distancing. To register and obtain the meeting agenda, visit

Workshop topics and sessions will include an overview of produced water generation in New Mexico; Consortium activities such as current research and testing of produced water treatment technologies, public access and availability of a new data portal of produced water quantity and quality in New Mexico; research on the social and economic impacts to New Mexico of the reuse of treated produced water; and current research regarding human health and toxicology of treated produced water.

The workshop will allow participants to choose educational sessions to learn detailed information and ask questions. A closing session will be held to encourage additional participant dialogue including a question and answer session with all instructors.

In 2020, New Mexico’s oil and gas industry generated approximately 60 billion gallons of produced water, more than 160 million gallons per day. Treated produced water has the potential to augment or substitute for fresh water in many fit-for-purpose uses in a time of long-term climate aridity and declining fresh water availability in New Mexico. 

The New Mexico 2019 Produced Water Act provided the impetus for the New Mexico Environment Department and NMSU to enter into a memorandum of understanding to create a Consortium to perform vital research related to the treatment and fit-for-purpose reuse of produced water. The Consortium works closely with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to lead a national effort on research and development in this area to support the development of appropriate science-based regulations, permitting and guidance for the safe use of treated produced water.

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