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NMSU Board of Regents potential quorum notice, special meeting

Release Date: 17 Jan 2023
Campus Art

Potential quorums of the New Mexico State University Board of Regents may occur as regents may attend the Quick Lane Bowl celebration from noon to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 21, on Main Street in downtown Las Cruces and events associated with Las Cruces Day in Santa Fe from Saturday, Jan. 28, through Monday, Jan. 30.

No votes or other official actions will be taken by the Board of Regents.

The Board of Regents will also hold a special meeting at 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, in the Zia Ballroom at the Eldorado Hotel & Spa, 309 W. San Francisco St., in Santa Fe. The meeting will also be livestreamed for public viewing at

In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, copies of the agenda will be made available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and accessible on the public university website at

If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, contact the Board of Regents Office at 575-646-5997 at least three days prior to the meeting, or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, may also be provided in various accessible formats. Contact the Board of Regents Office at 575-646-5997 if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

Please contact the Office of the Board of Regents at 575-646-5997 for additional information.

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