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NMSU doctoral student’s book shares insights about famed musician, producer

Release Date: 09 Jun 2023
NMSU doctoral student s book shares insights about famed musician producer

“Thunder only happens when it’s raining” are lyrics from a song of the iconic British/American band Fleetwood Mac. However, lightning struck Tyler Martin Sehnal, a doctoral candidate at New Mexico State University, and resulted in a book “Playing in the Rain: Lindsey Buckingham & Fleetwood Mac.”

Sehnal describes his book as “Lindsey Buckingham's journey from aspiring rock and roller to solo star, legendary producer and chief architect of Fleetwood Mac's legacy and global superstardom.”

A book signing for “Playing in the rain” is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 17, at the COAS Bookstore, 317 N. Main St.

A longtime fan of Fleetwood Mac, Sehnal’s book explores Buckingham’s role as much more than songwriter, lead guitarist and co-lead vocalist of the band in the 70s and 80s.

“I decided to focus on this topic because I’ve loved Fleetwood Mac since high school,” Sehnal said. “I also wanted to write about Lindsey Buckingham in particular because there are so many books about Stevie Nicks and the band itself, but there aren’t any that focus on his role in making Fleetwood Mac global superstars.”

Sehnal plans to complete his Ph.D. in English at NMSU in May 2026. He grew up in North Carolina, earning his bachelor’s degree from Guilford College and his master’s degree from East Carolina University. His journey took him to Las Cruces for his wedding at the home of a faculty member, who encouraged the couple to study at NMSU.

His studies and his love of Fleetwood Mac led Sehnal to write “Playing in the Rain.”

“The book is a unique look at Lindsey Buckingham’s life, solo career and role in making Fleetwood Mac a household name,” Sehnal said. “It’s also exceptionally well edited and provides an in-depth look at some of the band’s and Buckingham’s most beloved songs.”

Reviews of the book, which is available online, include comments such as “Well written, incredibly entertaining… an easy read with lots of amazing insights and added humor,” and “…there’s nothing like this out there, that focuses so much on Lindsey Buckingham’s influence and contribution.”

“Thunder only happens when it’s raining” is a line from the song “Dreams,” said to be written by Nicks after her breakup with Buckingham. Sehnal’s book takes the analogy to the next level.


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