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NMSU Extension Family and Consumer Science members receive multiple awards, recognitions

Release Date: 22 Dec 2022
Award presentation photo

During the fall 2022 semester, numerous New Mexico State University Extension Family and Consumer Science Department faculty and staff members were recognized with state, regional and national awards at the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences annual session in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Extension agents, associates and specialists received awards in categories including Excellence in Teamwork; School Wellness; Social Media Education; Communications Newsletters; and others. NMSU brought home a pair of national awards: a Communications Internet Education Technology Award for Karen Plawecki, Dianne Christensen, Suzanne DeVos-Cole, Beatriz G. Favela, Karim Martinez, and Lourdes Olivas, and a Communications Written Media Award for Joy Czmyrid.

Christensen, a Family and Consumer Science agent at the Bernalillo County Extension office, will serve as the Western Region director. She follows Rick Griffiths, Family and Consumer Science agent in San Juan County, who was elected to be NEAFCS president-elect. He will be the second New Mexican to serve and first male NEAFCS President.

“NEAFCS is the primary professional development association for all Family and Consumer Science Extension professionals within the United States,” Griffiths said. “The association's membership includes over 1,700 active EFCS professionals and the annual session is attended by over 600 professionals. By being represented at this conference, it elevates NMSU’s reputation as a national leader and innovator of Family and Consumer Science programming.”

State award winners:

• Educational Curriculum Package Award for “Mindset and Motivation: Tools for Long Term Behavior Change” program: Dianne Christensen, Bobby Flores, and Cassandra Vanderpool.

• Excellence in Teamwork Award for “4-H Youth Lead the Way: STEAM Innovators”: Amanda Benton, Courtney Mitchell, Peter Skelton, Brittany Sonntag, Sierra Cain, Marcella Talamante, Eva Madrid, and Laura Bittner.

• Human Development/Family Relationships Award for “NMSU CES Behavioral Health and Wellness Initiative”: Karim Martinez, Amada Benton, Laura Bittner, Beatriz Favela, Desaree Jimenez, LaJoy Spears, and Marcy Ward.

• Marketing Package Award for “The NEAFCS Leadership Experience: Calling All Leaders”: Rick Griffiths, Lisa Peterson, Halie Corbitt, Gina Lucas, Casey Ford, Joy West, Jackie McLaughlin, Will Ferguson, Roxie Price, Lisa McCoy, and Kelli Roberson.

• Past Presidents’ New Professional Award: Amanda Benton

• School Wellness Award for “New Mexico Healthy Habits Program”: Amanda Benton, Courtney Mitchell, Eva Madrid, Susann Mikkelson, Joy Czmyrid, Laura Bittner, Jennifer Shafer, Sierra Cain, Desaree Jimenez, Robin Mack Hayes, Bea Favela, and Katie Sharpton.

• Social Media Education Award for “Santa Fe County Facebook and Instagram Efforts”: Amanda Benton and Christina Turner

• Communications Internet Education Technology Award for “COVID-19 Stress and Resiliency in COVID-19 Trilogy webinar series”: Karen Plawecki, Dianne Christensen, Suzanne DeVos-Cole, Beatriz G. Favela, Karim Martinez, and Lourdes Olivas.

• Communications Newsletters Award for “Rio Arriba County FCS Newsletters 2021”: Joy Czmyrid

• Communications Written Media Award for “The Joy of Healthy Living Monthly column, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico”: Joy Czmyrid

Western region award winners:

• Past Presidents’ New Professional Award: Amanda Benton

• Communications Internet Education Technology Award: Karen Plawecki, Dianne Christensen, Suzanne DeVos-Cole, Beatriz G. Favela, Karim Martinez, and Lourdes Olivas.

• Marketing Package Award: Rick Griffiths, Lisa Peterson, Halie Corbitt, Gina Lucas, Casey Ford, Joy West, Jackie McLaughlin, Will Ferguson, Roxie Price, Lisa McCoy, and Kelli Roberson.

First place:

• Communications Written Media Award: Joy Czmyrid

Second place:

• Educational Curriculum Package Award: Dianne Christensen, Bobby Flores, and Cassandra Vanderpool.

• Communications Newsletters Award: Joy Czmyrid

• Human Development/Family Relationships Award: Karim Martinez, Amada Benton, Laura Bittner, Beatriz Favela, Desaree Jimenez, LaJoy Spears and Marcy Ward

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