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NMSU Extension Seed to Supper program popular during COVID-19

Release Date: 01 Oct 2020
Joanne Corwin

The Seed to Supper program has sprouted enthusiasm for gardening throughout New Mexico during the pandemic.

The program, introduced by New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in 2019 with in-person classes in three counties, went virtual this year and reached hundreds of people across the state.

The collaborative efforts of the Cooperative Extension Service Master Gardener and Ideas for Cooking and Nutrition (ICAN) programs provides opportunities for people to learn how to start a garden and grow their own food on a budget.

Prior to COVID-19, NMSU’s ICAN food system specialist Sally Cassady realized she needed to take the program online.

“I wanted something for people who live in parts of New Mexico where they may not be able to go to an in-person class simply because we have not expanded the program to their county, or they may live where there are classes, but they can’t attend because of their other responsibilities,” Cassady said of the six-part self-guided online course.

More than 200 people were participating in the online classes taught by Cassady prior to COVID-19. In April, with the offer of free seeds to people participating in the classes, enrollment blossomed to nearly 800.

“I had intended to do a garden, but I was having problems finding seed,” said Marie Johnson of Carlsbad, New Mexico. “When I heard about this program, the operative work was free and then they made it even better when they said a free packet of seed upon completion of the classes.”

The Houston, Texas, native said she was having a hard time gardening in the semi-arid environment. One of the things she learned in the classes was how the temperature of the soil affect the germination of seeds.

“I knew that if the soil is cold, seeds won’t germinate, but I didn’t know soil that’s too hot has the same effect,” Johnson said.

When Jim Brown retired, he decided to start gardening, but he didn’t realize how large the hobby would become.

“I started expanding my garden and it ended up being 3,000 square feet,” the Artesia resident said. “That’s when I decided I better start learning what I’m doing.”

One thing Seed to Supper classes has taught Brown is different vegetables are in family groups that have similar problems such as specific pests and watering patterns.

“When you rotate crop locations you need to know the families, because pests like squash bugs winter in the ground, and if you plant squash or a member of its family there the next year you will have a bad infestation,” he said. “Whereas, if you move the squash to a different location, the pests wouldn’t be able to follow it over there.”

Joanne Corwin of Albuquerque had been doing a little bit of gardening for several years, but was not really serious about it until participating in the Seed to Supper course.

Not only did the course increase her gardening, her enthusiasm spread to her neighbors and grown children, who all began gardening despite the size of their gardening space.

“One thing Seed to Supper talks about is that if you only have space for a pot, that is what you should use,” she said. “We grew strawberries in pots hanging off a wall.”

Despite having gardened before, Corwin said she didn’t have any ideas about soil.

“I just saw it as being dirt,” she said. “I learned that soil is made up of air, water and microbes. If you take care of the soil, it will take care of the plants.”

Benefits of the Seed to Supper program expands beyond growing plants.

“The final class module includes a nutrition component which includes information on the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. It also provides simple recipes people can use to cook the vegetables they grow,” Cassady said.

Corwin said it has been fun watching her grandchildren learn about raising vegetables and how they taste fresh from ripening on the vine.

“It was nice having my grandkids learn about growing the food and then eating it,” Corwin said of her grandchildren ranging in age from 1 to 8. “They put a little tomato seed in the ground and watched it sprout. They had to water the plants and be protective of them. Then when the tomatoes came, they were excited to eat them.”

There are additional health benefits in gardening.

“It is calming,” Corwin said. “People have been anxious this year because of the pandemic. To be able to be outside, putting hands in the dirt, growing plants are things that are very calming.”

Gardening also builds a community of people participating in a common hobby.

To foster that community, Cassady hosts a bi-monthly Facebook/Zoom live gathering where the gardeners share what they were doing and Cassady answers any gardening related questions. NMSU Extension agents and specialists are sometimes guests during the live session. They answer questions and provide valuable information on vegetable gardening resources available in their community.

“The live sessions were great,” said Johnson. “We get to see people from other parts of New Mexico talk about their challenges. I feel so isolated out here, but this program gave me something to look forward to. It saved my life.”

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