New Mexico State University’s Cooperative Extension Service will host the 2024 fruit growers workshop from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, March 15, at the Alcalde Community Center, 26 State Highway 289, in Alcalde, New Mexico.
The workshop cost is $20, which includes lunch and materials. Preregistration is required and ends March 8. To register for the workshop, call 505-471-4711.
NMSU Extension hosts the annual workshop to educate fruit growers on methods for orchard improvement regardless of size of operation.
“This is an opportunity to enhance fruit growing knowledge and learn about new and upcoming varieties,” said Tom Dominguez, Santa Fe County Extension Agriculture agent.
This year’s sessions will include profitable and simple tree fruit and berry growing tips from Ron Walser, retired fruit specialist; testing for nutrient deficiencies-leaf versus sap analysis from Mary Lucero with End-O-Fite Enterprises LLC; five years in lessons learned hosting u-pick cherry and apple festivals from Brad and Bob Nichols with Nichols Ranch and Orchards in La Luz, New Mexico; saffron-a high value low input crop for northern New Mexico with Saeid Zehtab Salmasi, research director at NMSU’s Sustainable Agriculture Science Center at Alcalde; fruit pests, pollinators and integrated pest management principles with Joanie King, NMSU Extension entomologist; table grape variety for northern New Mexico with Kevin Lombard, research director at the Agricultural Science Center at Farmington; a panel discussion on current projects and trials; and concludes with a walk and talk through the Alcalde Science Center farm.
For more information contact Dominguez at or 505-471-4711 or Donald Martinez at or 505-685-4523.