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NMSU horticulture club to host Halloween plant sale

Release Date: 27 Oct 2023
Corbett Center NMSU

The New Mexico State University Horticulture Forum Club will host its annual Halloween plant sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31 in Corbett Center Student Union.

“The Horticulture Forum annual Halloween plant sale is a great opportunity for club members to support the activities of the club,” said Rachel Gioannini, faculty co-adviser for the club and NMSU Plant and Environmental Sciences professor. “It is a great chance for members to demonstrate the plant knowledge they have gained from working with the plants in the greenhouse and help customers find a plant that will fit their needs.”

There will be a variety of plants for sale such as Dracaena trifasciata, commonly called mother-in-law’s tongue; Inch plant, commonly called wandering dude; aloe; and pothos plants. The club will also be selling branded tote bags and Halloween-themed pots. The plants will range from $5 to $20 and the tote bags will be $15. The club members will use the proceeds to purchase new plants to propagate for future plant sales. The funds will also go toward the club’s spring break trip.

“Last year, we went to Phoenix, Arizona, and went to the Desert Botanical Garden and Boyce Thompson Arboretum, as well as a local nursery,” Gioannini said. “Being part of the club and seeing the effort that goes into raising the funds make the rewards, like getting to go on the spring break trip, that much sweeter.”

For more information on the club, visit


CUTLINE: The New Mexico State University Horticulture Forum Club will host its annual Halloween plant sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31 in Corbett Center Student Union. (NMSU Photo by Josh Bachman)

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