The New Mexico State University College of Engineering invites schools to register as affiliate chapters for the New Mexico Technical Student Association. The organization provides middle- and high-school students the opportunity to explore a wide variety of STEM education and career interest areas.
NMSU is the NM TSA adviser, under the New Mexico Public Education Department, for the national Technical Student Association. The organization will begin accepting school affiliate chapters for the year Sept. 1.
The Technical Student Association provides affiliated schools with more than 73 intra-curricular career-based projects for middle- and high-school students and a virtual leadership curriculum. Student members work on experiential projects to build the skills and knowledge needed to compete at the annual state leadership conference in March. Winners will advance to the national TSA conference in Dallas in June.
This past year, a participant from Volcano Vista High School in Albuquerque placed first in children’s stories at the national conference. Competitions span many different career clusters including architecture, arts and audio-visual technology, marketing, education, health sciences, engineering and information technology. Affiliate schools must pay national and state dues each year. Visit for more information.
There are more than 10 affiliated school chapters throughout the state, with more than 400 students participating in hands-on experiences, competitions and leadership programs aimed at accelerating student science, technology, engineering and math career readiness. NM TSA hosts 70 plus middle- and high-school competitions aligned with national STEM standards.