New Mexico State University’s Office of Experiential Learning will host the 36th annual Career Expo from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15 and Wednesday, Sept. 16. Career Expo is co-sponsored with the College of Engineering and attracts a great number of employers from across the U.S. including Fortune 500 companies.
The Experiential Learning staff is excited to offer this year’s fair in a virtual platform as it considers all of the guests’ and participants’ health and safety to be paramount. The virtual career fair platform provides the opportunity for employers to engage with prospective candidates safely in-group or one-on-one sessions. The new format allows for a substantial increase in representatives per employer who may participate in the virtual fair for greater recruitment outreach.
Interested employers can register until the day prior to the event by creating a Handshake account. For tips on creating a Handshake account, visit
The 2020 Career Expo will be open to all majors on both days of the event. Students and employers are encouraged to attend one or both days. There will be job opportunities including internships, co-ops and professional employment. The virtual fair also is open to the public as well as students from other schools in the region.
Students, alumni and guests must create a Handshake account in order to access the virtual career fair. Handshake is accessible on the OEL website at The website also offers employers and students additional resources to assist with recruitment and job search. It is recommended that students research potential employers in advance and dress professionally for the virtual fair. Resumes should be up to date and ready to upload during the fair. The Center for Academic Advising and Student Support offers assistance with resume and cover letter reviews, job search and interview preparation. For more information on career preparation, contact Roseanne Bensley at 575-646-5374 or schedule an appointment via Handshake.
For more information, contact the NMSU Office of Experiential Learning at 575-646-1631.