New Mexico State University is the first university in New Mexico to join the Interstate Passport Network, a national program of two- and four-year colleges and universities that helps streamline the transfer process for students from other institutions.
The Interstate Passport Network is a program based at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) that enables the block transfer of complete lower-division general education attainment based on a set of multistate faculty-developed learning outcomes, instead of on specific courses and a number of credits.
“Initiatives such as the Interstate Passport program are vital to the successful implementation of NMSU’s mission and our LEADS 2025 strategic plan, which fosters learning, inquiry, diversity and inclusion, social mobility, and service to the broader community,” Parker said. “Enabling successful transfer of credits from other institutions, especially community colleges, supports student mobility. NMSU looks forward to welcoming Passport holders in the future.”
NMSU is the 59th member of the Interstate Passport Network, which was founded in 2011 and became fully operational in 2016. Students who earn a Passport, which encompasses lower-division general education and is based on learning outcomes instead of course-by-course articulation, can transfer to a Network institution in another state and have their learning recognized and general education credits accepted. The Network includes colleges and universities in 17 states.
“We are excited to welcome NMSU to the Interstate Passport Network, our first member from New Mexico,” said Anna Galas, director of academic leadership initiatives at WICHE. “As the Interstate Passport Network continues to grow, we expect to see more transfer students motivated to complete their degrees. Students who earn a Passport can now more easily transfer to any Network member institution without having to repeat or take additional coursework to satisfy general education requirements, a seamless transition that will keep students on their pathway to a degree.”
Students who decide not to transfer can also benefit from earning a Passport. Because of its specifically defined learning outcomes, earning a Passport is a documented completion benchmark from which employers can gauge a prospect’s skill level and job readiness.
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