The New Mexico State University Library will begin a pilot service for curbside pickup Monday, July 6. The free service for NMSU faculty, staff and students will run through the end of the July and offers access to general circulation items located in Zuhl and Branson libraries.
An NMSU ID is required and must be presented at pickup. Faculty can designate a proxy, but a form must be submitted prior to pickup. Forms are available upon request by calling the Zuhl help desk or online at the library website.
Individuals must reserve titles online through the NMSU Library website via Primo. Once items are available, individuals will be emailed and will have seven days to pick up items. To schedule a pickup, individuals must reserve a slot for a 30-minute park time on the Curbside Pick-Up page of the NMSU Library website. Curbside pickup hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friday.
To pick up items, individuals should park curbside on Breland Drive and call the Zuhl access service desk at 575-646-6910. A staff member will approach vehicles to confirm NMSU ID and then place items in a trunk or back seat to minimize contact.
Returns must be made in the outside book drop near the curbside pickup location. Staff members cannot accept returns.
For more information, visit