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NMSU names Graduate School faculty fellow

Release Date: 27 May 2021
Carol Flinchbaugh, associate professor at New Mexico State University

Carol Flinchbaugh, associate professor at New Mexico State University, was recently appointed as a faculty fellow in the NMSU Graduate School.

In her new role, effective June 1, Flinchbaugh will work closely with Luis Cifuentes, vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School, and Denise Esquibel, associate dean of the Graduate School, to support the leadership and management of the Graduate School. She also will support graduate student recruitment and admissions, strategic and academic leadership of learning, and teaching and the student experience in the Graduate School.  

“Dr. Flinchbaugh’s background working as a graduate faculty and across cross-campus collaborative initiatives foster her ability to network across the NMSU system to help the Graduate School envision and implement graduate programs and learning environments that can elevate graduate education,” Cifuentes said. 

Flinchbaugh, who joined NMSU in 2013, has more than 20 years of experience in higher education and the nonprofit sector at the executive level. Most recently, she was an associate professor and the Robert O. Anderson Professor in the Department of Management in the NMSU College of Business. Her teaching interests include human resources management, organizational behavior and leadership.

At NMSU, Flinchbaugh has contributed to several cross-campus initiatives, such as the system-wide Diversity Council, which she chaired from 2019 to 2020. She currently serves on the LEADS 2025 Strategic Goal Team for Student Success and Climate Action Team and previously served as a faculty fellow for NMSU Digital Learning and Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative fellow.

Flinchbaugh received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the University of Kansas, an MBA from the University of Indiana and a bachelor’s degree from Millersville University. Her research centers on examining contextual organizational factors that impact employee well-being, stress and performance. She has published more than 16 peer-reviewed journals, including the No. 1-ranked business journal, the Journal of Management.

During her tenure at NMSU, Flinchbaugh has worked with six doctoral students on research and teaching, preparing them for careers in higher education. As a graduate faculty member, she has served on advanced degree student committees in almost every college. To date, her doctoral advisees have secured tenure-track assistant professor roles, including at one university ranked as a top 50 business school.

For more information about the NMSU Graduate School, visit

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