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NMSU Police warn campus community of phone scam by police impersonators

Release Date: 01 Apr 2022
NMSU Police patch

The New Mexico State University Police Department issued an alert this morning to the NMSU campus community warning of at least two different callers identifying themselves as police officers and requesting personal information. The callers claim they are investigating narcotic crimes and threatening to arrest the people they call. NMSU Police say these calls are fraudulent attempts to access personal information and likely originate outside the United States. They want to assure members of the community that NMSU Police officers do not call people threatening arrest so if you receive one of these calls you are in no danger of being expelled or arrested because of these false claims. 

NMSU Police suggest following these steps if you receive one of these calls:

  • Request the officers identify themselves and provide their badge number
  • Do not provide personal information over the phone
  • If necessary, request that the officers meet with you in person at a public location
  • Hang up immediately during the call and block the number from your phone

NMSU Police are investigating these calls and their origination. For additional information or immediate assistance related to the scam, please call 575-646-3311.

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