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NMSU receives third platinum-level award for family-friendly policies

Release Date: 09 May 2023

For six years, New Mexico State University has been recognized for implementing family-friendly workplace policies. The university received a gold-level Family Friendly Business Award from 2018 to 2020, but for three consecutive years from 2021 to 2023, NMSU has earned the highest level of recognition, the platinum-level award.

Family Friendly New Mexico’s mission is to support employers that adopt certain policies that help employees and their families thrive in the workplace. The organization says these policies can improve productivity, employee retention and morale.

“I am very pleased that NMSU has been recognized as a Family Friendly employer for the sixth year,” said Gena Jones, assistant vice president for Human Resources. “It is a recognition of not only benefits, opportunities, support and appreciation that employees are provided at NMSU, but equally important, the positive impact it has on the families and communities of NMSU.”

The university met the family-friendly policies requirement by having paid leave, health support, work schedule support, financial management resources, pay equity awareness, diversity and inclusion and community investment.

“Throughout and post-pandemic, employees have endured significant challenges on and off the job,” Jones said. “Family-friendly policies assist employees to effectively address those challenges and allow them to be more engaged and enthusiastic about their work, and those they work with.”

To learn more about Family Friendly New Mexico’s vision and mission, visit

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