A New Mexico State University researcher has co-authored a new book that examines wild carnivores of New Mexico.
Jennifer K. Frey, a professor of mammalian ecology in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology in NMSU’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, teamed up with Jean-Luc E. Cartron to write “Wild Carnivores of New Mexico,” a 1,148-page book published earlier this year by the University of New Mexico Press.
The book is a landmark study of New Mexico’s carnivores. It explores major issues that shape carnivores’ continued presence in the state and region. It includes discussions on habitat, evolving or altered ecosystems; new discoveries about animal behavior and range; and provides details on the distribution, habitat associations, life history, population status, management and conservation needs of individual carnivore species in New Mexico.
Frey and Cartron, a research professor of biology at UNM, assembled a team of leading biologists across the Southwest to conduct research for the book. The volume includes more than 700 color images and dozens of maps, figures and tables to help readers visualize unique morphological or life-history traits, habitat, research techniques, and management and conservation issues.
Frey, who joined NMSU in 2002, has more than 30 years of experience conducting research on the ecology and conservation of mammals in New Mexico. She has published more than 100 scientific articles. Her research focuses on rare and poorly studied species and informs conservation and management.
Frey also serves as the curator of the NMSU Wildlife Museum, which houses more than 6,000 specimens representing major vertebrate groups, including some extremely valuable specimens dating back to the early 1900s.
“Wild Carnivores of New Mexico” is available for purchase at local bookstores or directly from the University of New Mexico Press. To order, call 800-848-6224 or visit www.unmpress.com.
Cutline: Jennifer K. Frey, a professor of mammalian ecology at New Mexico State University, co-authored a new book, “Wild Carnivores of New Mexico.” (Courtesy University of New Mexico Press)