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NMSU student's master's project brings books to Las Cruces' homeless children

Release Date: 19 Dec 2022
NMSU student's master's project brings books to Las Cruces' homeless children

A master's degree in communication studies may not sound magical, but for New Mexico State University graduate student Hannah Martinez, her communication studies project allowed her to bring the stuff of dreams and adventures to children at Jardin de los Niños through hundreds of books.

The non-profit organization provides comprehensive services to homeless and near-homeless children, from the ages of six weeks to 10 years, and their families.

Recently, Martinez visited Jardin de los Niños with a trunk-load of books and a $2,000 donation thanks to her strategic communication plan. Her original goal was to raise $1,200 and get 100 books donated, but she exceeded her fundraising goal and tripled the number of books to 300.

I used social marketing theory as my main strategy in collecting as many books as possible,” Martinez said. “Through this theory, I applied the four P’s which are: product, price, place, and promotion. The product was book donations and my 100-book goal, the place was the Communication Studies Building book drop-off locations, the promotion included social media posts, flyers and print ads, and the price was an individual's willingness to share my posts and to donate funds, books or both."

Along with books Martinez donations will fill baskets with necessities for families in the Adopt-A-Family program at Jardin de los Niños. The baskets included detergent, paper towels, socks, blankets and other household items.

"Jardin de los Niños provides vital preventative services to homeless/near homeless children and their families,” Michelle Adames, CEO of Jardin de los Niños, said. “Our Adopt-A-Family Program helps to ensure that our children and families have access to items that support basic needs and educational materials throughout the year."

"We are incredibly grateful for Hannah’s support and dedication to furthering the mission of Jardin de los Niños,' said Diana O'Brien, director of  development and community engagement. "It’s an honor to have had her choose Jardin for her master’s project. Hannah took the time to gain insight and knowledge in regard to our organization’s services, programs, and needs in order to develop a plan that would be most supportive of our current needs."

This is not Martinez’s first time partnering with a community organization. Her history of outreach and community service began with her time in the NMSU sorority Delta Gamma, where she held two positions that focused on philanthropy events.

“As I child I never needed to worry about where my family and I were going to sleep or if we were going to get to celebrate Christmas or Birthdays," said Martinez. "I have always been aware that not all children or families had that privilege and now that I am older and have the resources, I want to contribute to the community in a positive way and help those who need it.”

Anne Hubbell, associate dean of the Honors College and communication studies professor, helps to guide many graduate students along the path that leads beyond research to practical application and service.

“Our project option for master’s students is based on the idea that we want students to do more than just talk about theory and collect and analyze data,” Hubbell said. “These are very important but we want our students to also be involved in our community and learn how to create and implement something that changes other people's lives.

"We want our students to be able to show to future employers that they can run a project from start to finish, as Hannah has done. Theory is the foundation for the project and then Hannah used theory to help develop her project. From there she implements the program and evaluates its success. The evaluation is based on how many books she brought in, how much in donations, and in feedback from Jardin.”

The feedback looked positive as the group posed for a photo with the hundreds of books Hannah brought to Jardin, along with a hand-painted thank you card.

"We are thankful for the support of Hannah and to each person that contributed to the success of her project," O'Brien said. "Her advocacy and hard work have allowed her and others to graciously help our children and families flourish.”

Learn more about Jardin de los Niños and how you can support the Adopt-A-Family program.


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