The New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service and Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service will co-host the annual Southwest Beef Symposium Thursday, March 7, and Friday, March 8, at the Roswell Civic Center, 912 N. Main St., in Roswell, New Mexico.
The two-day event will start at 1 p.m. Thursday, March 7, and focuses on the latest issues that impact cattle producers from New Mexico and West Texas.
“Tight cattle inventories, drought and volatile markets are only a few of the issues producers in the southwest face,” said Marcy Ward, NMSU Extension livestock specialist. “Therefore, the overall theme of this year’s symposium will be addressing economic and cattle performance trends and offering ideas on how to improve efficiency in the feed yard and the cow herd.”
On the first day, attendees will be updated on information regarding late feeding mortality in beef cattle, the 2024 economic outlook and beef quality trends over the last 20 years. The day will conclude with a discussion on genomic testing of commercial herds.
On the second day, attendees will learn about resource management with topics including cow size and efficiency; range monitoring with new technology; and prussic acid and nitrate toxicity management. To conclude the day, researchers from NMSU’s Clayton Livestock Research Center will update attendees on current projects.
Registration will be $85 per person if received by March 2. Late registration will be $100 from March 3 through March 7. Checks should be made payable to NMSU and mailed to Extension Animal Sciences and Natural Resources, MSC 3AE, P.O. Box 30003, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Checks must be received by Feb. 28. Attendees may also pay at the door. For more information or to register, visit
For more information on sponsorship and exhibit opportunities, visit For additional information, contact Ward at or 575-646-5947.