A popular springtime event once hosted by New Mexico State University’s STEM Outreach Center has evolved into NMSU Learn-A-Palooza, a multi-disciplinary block party designed to educate families on what NMSU has to offer their children, and engage them in activities related to science, technology, engineering, art, math, health and more.
NMSU’s College of Health, Education and Social Transformation will host the event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 2 along with the STEM Outreach Center, the NMSU Provost’s Office, the NMSU Library, STEM Connection in the College of Engineering's Office of Outreach and Recruitment, and the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences.
“The purpose of this family-friendly community engagement event is to provide a welcoming, inspirational space for families, youth and children to enhance their curiosity in college options, career explorations and lifelong learning,” said College of HEST Dean Yoshi Iwasaki. “This is an NMSU campus-wide event that highlights our collaboration with all other colleges at NMSU, and leverages our extensive networks with nearby school districts, community and governmental organizations, and local businesses.”
The event will include indoor and outdoor interactive career and learning sessions, games, information booths, presentations, a K-12 student parade, and informational sessions from members around NMSU’s local and extended communities. Food will be provided. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required and will take place at Preciado Park. Activities will take place at the park and the surrounding buildings.
Three hundred tickets to the NMSU women’s basketball game will also be provided free to children ages 12 and younger. The game starts at 2 p.m. March 2.
NMSU Learn-A-Palooza was born from the STEM Fest event originally created by Susan Brown, former director of the STEM Outreach Center and dean of the former College of Education. The last STEM Fest in 2019 attracted more than 800 participants to the NMSU campus.
NMSU Learn-A-Palooza is sponsored by the Glass Family, Aprendamos Family of Services and the Southwest Outreach Academic Research Evaluations & Policy Center.
PHOTO CAPTION: New Mexico State University will host the first NMSU Learn-A-Palooza block party at Preciado Park and other nearby locations on the NMSU campus in Las Cruces. (NMSU photo by Ingrid Leyva)
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Two people participating in a game at a park.