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NMSU to host New Mexico Chile Conference Feb. 6-7

Release Date: 24 Jan 2023
New Mexico Chile Conference

New Mexico State University will host the 2023 New Mexico Chile Conference Feb. 6-7 at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 E. University Ave., in Las Cruces.

This year’s conference, co-hosted by NMSU’s Chile Pepper Institute and Extension Plant Sciences Department, will feature nearly 20 different speakers and presentations.

The conference will kick-off at 4 p.m. Feb. 6 with opening remarks from Stephanie Walker, NMSU professor, Extension vegetable specialist and conference chair. Derek Barchenger, vegetable breeder at the World Vegetable Center and NMSU alumnus, will then give a talk on world chile production.

“Dr. Barchenger will present information on current world-wide trends and challenges in chile pepper production and serve as a perfect lead into conference presentations addressing the latest research findings and initiatives supporting New Mexico’s signature crop,” Walker said.

Presentations will begin at 8:15 a.m. Feb. 7 after opening remarks from Leslie Edgar, director of the NMSU Agricultural Experiment Station. Some of the speakers will include:

  • Steve Hanson, associate professor in NMSU’s Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science, who will present “The Future (?) of Pest and Pathogen Control.”
  • Chaddy Robinson, assistant professor in NMSU Department of Agriculture Economics and Agriculture Business, who will present “Savor the Flavor: Consumer Preferences and Variety Seeking Associated with Chile Consumption.”
  • Willis Fedio, associate professor in the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety at NMSU, who will present “Ensuring the Safety of New Mexico Chile Using Molecular Detection Methods for Pathogenic Bacteria.”

Afternoon presentations will cover technology updates and pest and disease updates. A complete list of speakers and presentations is available at

Vendor booths will be available during the conference. All attendees are eligible for four New Mexico Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator continuing education general credits.

Registration is now open online at Register by Feb. 1 to avoid late registration fees.

For more information, visit or call 575-646-3028.

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