New Mexico State University will host Fulbright Week from Monday, April 11 through Thursday, April 14. The week will consist of online Zoom sessions to introduce students to the Fulbright Program.
“Many NMSU students and faculty are successful Fulbrighters,” said Andrea Orzoff, director of the Office of National Scholarships and International Education in the Honors College. “We’d love to attract more applicants, and to continue our campus’s international engagement and orientation through the Fulbright Program.”
The Fulbright Program is a merit-based external fellowship for students, faculty and administrators and is designed to provide opportunities for educational and career advancement as well as providing a cross-cultural dialogue. Fulbright participants study, conduct research and teach abroad through the Fulbright Program, which is the country’s leading international educational exchange program. Fulbright recipients are selected based on leadership potential, academic and/or professional achievement and record of service.
To kick off the week, the first zoom session will be a general orientation to the program at 6 p.m. Monday, April 11. This session will introduce students to the Fulbright Program. It will discuss the different types of awards and how to apply.
At 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, the next session will focus on Fulbright’s English Teaching Assistant programs. The ETA Program allows students to work abroad as a teaching assistant for English learners, while also conducting community projects.
At 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, the session will present the Fulbright Study and Research Award programs. Undergraduate and graduate students can spend a fully funded year abroad to accomplish independent research or get a master’s degree.
The last meeting, at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 14, is intended particularly for NMSU and Doña Ana Community College sophomores and juniors. This session will discuss Fulbright as well as other fellowship programs. The fellowship application process is open to all majors. Fellowships can provide students with paid internships, master’s programs and career advancement opportunities in the United States and abroad.
For more information contact Orzoff at To access the online sessions, visit