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NMSU TRIO Student Support Services Program receives $2.3 million in funding

Release Date: 25 Aug 2020
Campus Art

New Mexico State University’s TRIO Student Support Services Program has been awarded a five-year, $2,324,040 grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

NMSU’s Student Support Services strives to increase the retention and graduation rates of first-generation college students, low-income students and students with a disability. Student Support Services participants at NMSU receive a variety of academic and social support services to help their transition to and success at the university. The program serves 350 participants each year.

“We are pleased that the U.S. Department of Education has recognized the excellent work that the New Mexico State University TRIO Student Support Services Program performs on behalf of first-generation, low-income and students with disabilities through the awarding of this grant through a competitive selection process,” said Tony Marin, assistant vice president of student affairs and principal investigator. “In our most recent annual report submission, NMSU TRIO SSS participants persisted to the next academic year at a rate of 84 percent, met good academic standing at a rate of 88 percent, and graduated at higher percentages than SSS eligible non-participants and the general student population.”

The program is a collaboration between the Student Success Center, Student Success and Enrollment Management and academic departments who provide participants with academic success, cultural enrichment, economic/financial literacy, mentoring, tutoring and leadership opportunities.

“We received over 50 letters of commitment supporting the grant application from staff, faculty, administrators and community partners who have in the past or in the future committed tangible support of the program,” Marin said.

“The program’s success is a credit to the perseverance, resilience and determination of program participants and the high quality of academic and non-academic support services delivered by well-trained and experienced program staff. For example, 100 percent of our peer tutors and peer mentors are certified by the College Reading and Learning Association and our program staff are experienced in providing evidence-based success services Above all, our participants’ academic achievements have led to outstanding careers and have contributed to the overall goals of student success and social mobility,” he said.

To learn more visit the TRIO Student Support Services Program at

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