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Participants, judges sought for HRTM Edible Book Festival at NMSU

Release Date: 30 Mar 2021
Edible Book Festival

The School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management at New Mexico State University will join the international food-and-book celebration known as Edible Book Day and host its first-ever Edible Book Festival Saturday, April 3. 

Since 2000, Edible Book Day – also known as the International Edible Book Festival – has brought together book lovers, food enthusiasts and book artists from across the globe for an annual literary and culinary event held each spring, where edible books take center stage. Using food as a medium, participants reinterpret their favorite books to create edible displays.

HRTM welcomes participants of all ages from NMSU and the general public to enter its contest, a project proposed by HRTM program coordinator Andrea Arrigucci and organized by students in a special-events planning class taught by HRTM college assistant professor Julie Correa.

The contest will be partially held in-person at Gerald Thomas Hall and virtually via Zoom.

“While this event is meant to be an in-person experience, the students have worked hard to make it happen within the current public health order to offer people something a little bit different to be involved in,” Correa said. “This offered a whole new challenge for students planning events in a semi-virtual format, where the public is not allowed to attend.” 

Entries should depict a literary work, either fiction or nonfiction, or a literary character, and must be mostly edible, although some non-edible props will be permitted. Submissions must include a title sheet and a photo of the inspiration book.

“For me, this event brings together two of the things I love the most: books and food. We are excited to see the creativity that people have and what ideas come from the books they choose,” Correa said. “We encourage anyone of any age to enter and join in the fun of creating their favorite book with food.”

Participants must deliver submissions to 100 West Café, 940 College Drive, on the Las Cruces campus by 10 a.m. April 3 for judging, which will begin at noon. Judges will include HRTM Director Jean Hertzman and HRTM alumna Cecilia Castro, who is an instructor in the Hospitality Services program at Doña Ana Community College. Correa is still looking for additional judges; those interested in judging should email

An awards ceremony will take place after the judging round on Zoom. Participants will receive connection information when registering for the event. Awards will be given to the best group creation (one prize per group); best depiction; most creative/best visual representation; most appetizing; and funniest or “punniest” display. Prizes will include an Amazon Fire tablet, a baking set, a Barnes and Noble gift card and a gift basket with HRTM and Aggie gear.

The deadline to register is Thursday, April 1. To register, visit is no fee to enter the contest. A complete list of rules is available at

For more information, contact Correa at 575-646-5918 or

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