While various NMSU departments and staff do as much as they can to keep our students and their valuables safe, statistics show it’s very important for each individual to be proactive when it comes to personal security. Being a member of a community comes with a certain level of responsibility and accountability, which is all part of Aggie life. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Learn campus housing security policies
The Housing and Residential Life Resident Handbook contains NMSU residential living rules, which exist for the security, safety and well-being of individuals and the campus housing community. Students living on campus should know and follow these rules.
Lock your doors
Keep your room, apartment and car doors locked. Deadbolts and peepholes exist for your safety, so please use them. Most residential burglaries happen in just a few seconds. That’s all the time it takes for a thief to get into an unlocked room, apartment or car and scoop up a smartphone, laptop, tablet, backpack or other valuables.
Don’t prop doors open
Campus housing units have locks on interior and exterior doors for the safety and security of residents. Locked exterior doors should never be propped open because it allows anyone to access the area and can put you and everyone else who lives in campus housing at risk. If you see an exterior door in campus housing propped open, please close it and call 575-646-1701 to report it.
Be aware of strangers
If you notice any suspicious persons or activity in your residential area, please call NMSU Police. Do not allow strangers to access your residential facility, including holding doors open.
Know the Emergency Exits
You should know the emergency exits for your residence facility in case of a fire or other emergency. Take the time to know multiple exits, not just the primary exit you would normally use. Becoming familiar with the entire building will help you be prepared in case of an emergency.
Keep track of keys
Never loan out your room key to anyone. You can also download apps on your smartphone or use a key tracking fob that will help you find your keys if you misplace them.
Lock windows
Any time your room, apartment or house is unattended, close and lock the windows. It’s also a good idea to keep your windows locked when you are asleep. Don’t assume that just because you are living on the second floor that your valuables are safe.
Always store valuables out of sight
There are many ways to keep your valuables out of sight. Campus housing units have cabinets or desk spaces that can be secured with a padlock.
Consider buying a lock for the security cabinet in your room or buying a room safe
Students are unlikely to carry all of their valuables to all their classes. Room safes are relatively inexpensive compared to the amount of electronics that many college students own.
Purchase renter’s insurance
NMSU’s Housing and Residential Life encourages all campus residents to purchase renter’s insurance. Many insurance companies offer a $10,000 renter’s insurance policy for as little as $10 to $15 per month. You may never see your laptop again if it is stolen, but at least an insurance policy could cover the cost of replacing it, depending on your policy. A renter’s policy can also cover any items stolen from your car. This can be a prudent investment in light of the replacement costs for all of your electronic devices after a burglary.