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Safety Tips: E-scooters, electronic transportation devices

Release Date: 11 Oct 2024
Safety Tips E scooters electronic transportation devices

Students, faculty and staff use many types of transportation devices to get around New Mexico State University’s expansive main campus. You’ll see everything from skateboards to bicycles and various electronic transportation devices such as hoverboards, e-skates, e-scooters or segues along with assistive devices for persons with disabilities.

While pedestrians have priority, we want to remind our campus community that we all must take care when using such devices or walking in proximity to them.

  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way. All vehicles should give pedestrians priority and maintain a safe distance.
  • Obey traffic rules. All types of transportation devices should comply with all traffic signs and signals and yield to pedestrians.
  • E-scooters are not considered mopeds under state law and fall under electric mobility devices with speeds under 20 mph. They do not need to be licensed or insured.
  • No use in NMSU residence halls or libraries. The use of bicycles, skates, skateboards, hover boards as well as their electronic versions, is prohibited inside NMSU’s residential facilities and libraries.
  • Assistive devices for disabled persons are permitted inside residence halls and libraries.
  • No stunts or reckless behavior. Performing tricks, jumping off curbs or riding aggressively is discouraged based on safety concerns. 
  • Scooter/bicycle theft prevention. Use U-locks instead of cable locks when securing a scooter or bicycle to a rack or structure and consider using an airtag to track your property. Keep photos and serial numbers handy. If you notice any suspicious activity, contact NMSU Police at 646-3311.

Electronic transportation devices may operate on the NMSU campus in areas where bicycles are permitted, so it’s very important for drivers of these devices and pedestrians to be vigilant so everyone can stay safe.


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