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Safety Tips: Holiday lights, trees and travel

Release Date: 11 Dec 2023
Safety Tips Holiday lights trees and travel

With the holiday season upon us, you might already be decorating your home with an indoor tree or outdoor lights. Perhaps you are planning to visit family or friends during the holidays. NMSU’s Emergency Planning Committee has tips to help you enjoy a safer holiday at home or while you travel.

It's important to remember to be cautious when using holiday decorations. The National Fire Protection Association reports 150 home fires involving Christmas trees and average of 793 home fires involving holiday lights and other decorative lighting occur every year.

  • If you choose a cut tree, make sure it is fresh and not dry. Dry trees catch fire easily.
  • Make sure to check your strings of lights for frayed wire, cracked bulbs, open sockets or excessive kinks.
  • Do not use tacks, screws or nails to hang lights. Avoid metal to metal contact.
  • Be sure when hanging lights outdoors that they are rated for outdoor use.
  • Do not daisy chain or over-exert an outlet or power strip.
  • Do not leave holiday lights on when you leave the house.

It is always important to be safe when driving, but we must be even more cautious during the holidays. Typically, there will be more drivers sharing the roads and a higher possibility of hazardous road conditions.

  • Make sure your vehicle maintenance is up to date.
  • Keep these items in your vehicle: blankets or sleeping bags, jumper cables, fire extinguisher, extra clothing, tow rope and a shovel.
  • Leave early. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
  • Don’t drive with an attitude. If you are upset, pull over and cool down. Better yet, let someone else drive.
  • Don’t drink and drive.
  • Don’t use your cellphone while driving.
  • Know when to use your bright lights.
  • Pull over and stop your vehicle if you do not feel comfortable driving in bad weather conditions.

If you are having guests at your home during the holidays, remember the three leading dates for home structure fires caused by cooking are: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. The NFPA has more tips for what you can do to help keep your friends and family safe while entertaining for the holidays.

NMSU’s Fire Department, Police Department and Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Department wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

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