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Staff Spotlight: Margaret Campos, Physical Science Laboratory

Release Date: 25 Oct 2023
Margaret Campos

Director of Telemetry and Missile Systems Margaret Campos has been a member of the NMSU Physical Science Laboratory staff for two decades. After working as an engineering aide at PSL while pursuing her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Campos began her professional career in 2003.

“I grew up in Gallup, New Mexico, and I was happy to find the NMSU community,” she said. “I have always found it to be a welcoming and supportive place for both school and work.”

Campos spent 16 years as an electrical engineer prior to accepting her current position in 2019.

“The mentors and co-workers I have at NMSU and PSL helped shape my career, and I don’t think I would have found such a unique job anywhere else,” Campos said. “I have had the opportunity to work with teams to launch over 100 rockets in my lifetime, it has been a truly remarkable career.”

In her director role, Campos oversees and manages research and defense contracts that fund the division, as well as the internal service centers that perform electronic and mechanical fabrication for the Telemetry Products Line.

“The most enjoyable part of the job is working with great people,” Campos said. “I get to encourage our incredible engineers and technicians to design and fabricate new technologies that are used in many research and defense contracts. I get to interface with leaders in the rocket test and execution industry. I get to engage with excited and motivated students and watch them grow into amazing young professionals.”

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