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Staff Spotlight: Veronica Jackson, Student Success Center

Release Date: 01 Apr 2022
Veronica Jackson

As a student program coordinator for the Alamogordo High School TRIO Upward Bound Program, Veronica Jackson works to prepare students for college. One of her responsibilities includes conducting after-school sessions, which are tailored to teach students about writing, emotional and social well-being, culture, diversity, time management, cover letter and resume writing, research, stress management, academic advising, tutoring and mentoring.

Once a month, Jackson prepares and assists with Saturday Academy on the Las Cruces campus. At the Feb. 5 event, students learned how to prepare a research paper and how to look for reliable resources; techniques that will implemented in the next after-school session. 

“I love what I do,” Jackson said. “I love working with the students and the parents. I would go above and beyond for them. I have learned so much from my supervisor, Toni Dixon, and she has been a great mentor as well as a guide in learning the program. The more I learn about the program, the more passionate I become and the harder I work for the program, my students and my parents.”   

Weekly, Jackson meets with seniors to help with their financial aid applications, college applications, scholarship applications, letters of recommendations and introduction to programs such as the Summer Bridge program that aids in the transition from high school to college. She plans college campus tours for students, including out-of-state experiences. In addition, Jackson meets and stays connected with parents to help their students succeed and prepare for higher education. 

“I am grateful to have a great support system from the entire department of Student Engagement and Student Success Center,” she said.

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