NMSU leaders, faculty, staff, students and community members met for a daylong retreat April 20 to launch a renewed effort for making the NMSU system more sustainable, focused on ecological, behavioral and economic needs. A Sustainability Policy and Oversight Council will be formed to address the priorities coming out of the retreat.
The group kicked off sustainability planning with a workshop to celebrate and build on NMSU’s successful sustainability initiatives and to identify new opportunities to develop a sustainability culture on campus. The council, co-chaired by Deans Lakshmi Reddi and Rolando A. Flores Galarza, will provide guidance on sustainability initiatives.
The planning workshop, facilitated by S. Fisher Qua, included members of the community involved in sustainability organizations, working side-by-side with Provost Alan Shoho, college deans, Vice Chancellor Ruth Johnston and Facilities & Services Associate Vice President Raghu Raghavan. Next steps include identifying council members (students, faculty, staff and community), working with the NMSU community to define the concept of sustainability, develop policies, create an inventory of sustainability in the curriculum, launch the council and communicate its initiatives.
For more information, contact sss@nmsu.edu