The New Mexico Technology Student Association, managed through New Mexico State University’s College of Engineering, is the science, technology, engineering and mathematics career technical student organization for the State of New Mexico. At this year’s hybrid state conference to be held March 11-13 at NMSU, NM TSA will host a new set-design competition. The state conference is open to students in middle school, sixth through eighth grades, and high school, ninth through 12th grades.
The TSA set-design competition is unique to New Mexico and has been developed by a team of film industry and academic leaders. This one-of-a-kind event challenges TSA members to read scripts provided by New Mexico film students and walk through the process of a professional set-designer including storyboarding and 3D modeling. Students will showcase their portfolio and their model at the state conference.
“We are very excited about this opportunity to connect real New Mexico job opportunities with skills-building in our program,” said Clara Welles, NMSU STEM program manager and TSA state adviser. “TSA and this new competition, not only benefit New Mexico students but contribute to a skilled workforce in New Mexico.”
The film industry plays a significant role in the New Mexico economy. A record-setting $623 million in direct spending to the state was reported during the last fiscal year. Welles said TSA thanks the College and Career Readiness Bureau for its collaboration and cooperation to launch this year’s first set-design competition.
As a national CTSO, TSA provides affiliated schools with more than 73 intra-curricular career-based projects for middle- and high-school students and a virtual leadership curriculum. Student members complete standards-based experiential projects to build the necessary skills and knowledge to compete at the annual state leadership conference with the chance to advance to the national conference in Dallas in June. Competitions span many different career clusters including architecture, arts and audio and visual technology, marketing, education, health sciences, engineering and information technology.
Interested schools are encouraged to affiliate with NM TSA to gain access to this invaluable program. To affiliate with any CTSO, schools pay national and state dues each year. Visit for more information.
Interested volunteers and judges can sign up at All positions have remote opportunities.